Legal Aid Transition Planning Begins

The Legal Aid Transition Team at the BCFNJC has made significant strides in developing an innovative and holistic legal service delivery model tailored to the needs of Indigenous people in BC this summer. Our work is focused on improving access to justice and addressing the overrepresentation of Indigenous children in care. A major milestone was […]

The Role of Elders and Knowledge Keepers in BC’s Justice Reform

Strategy 21 of the BC First Nations Justice Strategy is dedicated to the inclusion and utilization of Indigenous knowledge systems, particularly those held by Elders and Knowledge Keepers, in the transformation of justice services and structures. This strategy emphasizes the necessity of grounding justice initiatives in culturally relevant frameworks that honour Indigenous laws, protocols, and […]

Sustainable, Long-Term Core Funding Needed

The BC Cabinet approved Strategy 3 in 2020, however, BCFNJC has not yet received an invitation from the Treasury Board for core funding. BCFNJC receives funding from three primary sources: the provincial government, the federal government, and the Law Foundation of BC. Some of the funding is prescribed, while federal funding sometimes passes through the […]

Increasing the Number of First Nations Justice Workers

The Challenge Track 2 work of the Strategy – restoration of First Nations justice systems and institutions – requires a systematic increase of justice workers within First Nations. These justice workers are integral to leading justice-related work, whether it be to implement community-based justice programs and new protocols as identified in this Strategy, or to […]

Strengthening Traditional Knowledge and First Nations Laws in the Justice System

The Challenge:  A critical aspect of both Track 1, reform of the existing justice system, and Track 2, the rebuilding of First Nations justice institutions and legal orders, is supporting and expanding the roles to be played by Elders and Knowledge Keepers. These roles include everything from ensuring and reinforcing the cultural appropriateness of how […]

Building a Strong Partnership with Canada

The Challenge The Strategy advances many strategies and lines of action that assume and require some levels of participation by Canada. Leadership from Canada and direct federal government action is also needed to advance many vital elements that have not been addressed in this Strategy, including reform of the Criminal Code. The Solution BCFNJC will […]

Tracking the Progress and Impact of the Strategy

The Challenge The Strategy contains many distinct yet interdependent strategies that impact all areas of the justice system, from community-based programming to the court system. With such a large scope of work, involving many justice partners, transparency and accountability are core values that need to be upheld. First Nations and Indigenous groups need to be […]

BC announced the $10M in June 2023 at the Chilliwack IJC opening

Indigenous Peoples will have access to better legal supports and healing opportunities with the opening of a new Indigenous Justice Centre in Chilliwack and $10 million in funding to support First Nations’ community-based justice programs. “Making our communities safer means addressing the core issues that bring people into conflict with the law and their neighbours […]

Growing Community Justice Programs

The Challenge First Nations community-based programming is critical to making progress on both Track 1 and Track 2 of the Strategy. Communities need programs that are prevention and healing based, trauma-informed, and culturally grounded, so that Gladue Principles can be fully upheld, and the presumption of diversion can be reflected at all stages of interaction […]

Expanding Culturally-Based Programming in BC Corrections

The Challenge More culturally based programs are needed throughout Corrections to support the healing journeys of Indigenous people, alongside alternatives to corrections that are First Nations designed, based, and controlled. Studies and experience have repeated the importance of cultural norms, practices, and programming within corrections, both as part of rehabilitation and healing, and as part […]