Strategy 11
Track 1

Improving Justice Outcomes for Indigenous Women, Girls and 2 Spirit (2S+) People

Illustration from Marika Swan

Ending colonial patterns of violence and discrimination in the criminal justice system that negatively and disproportionately impact Indigenous women, girls and 2 Spirit people.

The Challenge

Overrepresented as victims of crime and over-incarcerated in Canada’s prison system, Indigenous women and girls have, since colonization, experienced the overwhelmingly destructive and harmful impacts of the criminal justice system. As the ongoing Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2 Spirit (2s+) People (MMIWG2S+) Crisis highlights, Indigenous Women, Girls and 2 Spirit (2s+) People continue to be murdered and go missing – their lives deemed less worthy of care, compassion, and the pursuit of justice.

Today, the criminal justice system continues to imperil the safety, wellbeing, and dignity of Indigenous Women, Girls and 2 Spirit (2s+) People by reinforcing and upholding colonial practices and policies, such as:

  • biased policing and under-policing;
  • racial profiling and stereotyping; 
  • inconsistent application of Gladue Principles;
  • focus on charging and jailing, rather than on social, health, financial, and community-based supports; and
  • lack of culturally appropriate programming and supports for survivors of different forms of violence, including intimate partner violence and gender-based violence. 

The Solution:

Through Strategy 11, BCFNJC will work with First Nations and Indigenous groups across BC to develop and implement an Indigenous Women, Girls and 2 Spirit (2s+) People Justice Plan that will respond to the 231 Calls for Justice and other key reports and recommendations. Coming up with solutions to ongoing discriminatory policies and practices in the justice system, the plan will support better outcomes for Indigenous Women, Girls and 2 Spirit (2s+) People in all areas of justice, from policing and corrections to legal aid and crisis response. 

An Indigenous Women, Girls and 2 Spirit (2s+) People Justice Plan is needed to address many inequities in the justice system, including the over-incarceration of Indigenous women – according to the 2022-2023 Annual Report of the Office of the Correctional Investigator, Indigenous women account for 50% of the total federal female inmate population despite only representing 4% of women in Canada

Lines of Action

BCFNJC and BC, working with relevant partners, will develop a First Nations Women Justice Plan that includes consideration of the MMIWG2S+ Inquiry Final Report and Calls for Justice.
Status completed
More info 00The IWJP team recruited and onboarded the Women’s Team in March 2023, just before the 2nd annual Justice Forum where they advanced Strategy 11 to develop the IWJP within one year for release at the 3rd annual Justice Forum in 2024. They developed the Guiding Draft by reviewing reports and recommendations, focusing on impacts on Indigenous women, girls, and 2S+ individuals in BC, and conducted 20 community engagement sessions to gather input. The Final Draft of the Indigenous Women’s Justice Plan was released at the 3rd Annual Justice Forum for feedback, with BCFNJC developing implementation workplans with provincial and federal partners based on the plan's strategies.
Jointly develop a strategy to address the challenges of intimate partner violence and the range of issues caused by enforcement of no contact orders, administrative offences and providing safety to victims of violence in communities.
Status completed


Mar 2023
Recruitment and Onboarding of IWJP Team

In March of 2023 the Women’s Team was onboarded ahead of the 2nd annual Justice Forum. The team attended the forum in which it was presented that Strategy 11, the development of the IWJP would be advanced in one year and ready for release at the 3rd annual Justice Forum in 2024.

Sept - Nov 2023
Group photo during an engagement session in Vancouver at the Friendship Centre.
Community Engagements

The Guiding Draft was used as a platform to guide engagement discussions.

The Women’s Team completed 17 Community Engagements across BC and 3 virtual, one specific to 2S+ and one for those with disabilities. We heard the voices, stories and lived experience of Indigenous Women, Girls, 2S+, members from First Nation communities across BC, front line workers, service providers, Grassroots, elders, and knowledge keepers.

Nov 2023 - Mar 2024
Indigenous Women's Justice Plan - Final Draft Cover Image.
Final Draft Development

Upon completing the Engagement sessions, the Women’s Team thoughtfully and respectfully analyzed the recordings and notes from all sessions. The analysis was then used as a guide and integrated into the Guiding Draft where changes and additions were made.

After the integration of the feedback from Community Engagements was completed, the Final Draft was reviewed and approved by our Steering Committee and Council. Feedback was also provided by the First Nations Leadership Council.

Final Draft
Apr 2024
Release of the Final Draft of the Indigenous Women’s Justice Plan

The Final Draft was released to rights holders at the 3rd Annual Justice Forum for dialogue and feedback.

Press Release
September 2024
What We Heard – Charlee’s Drum: Kristi Den Admirant

Listen to Kristi Den Admirant, from Blueberry River First Nation, share the powerful story of her daughter Charlee’s drum and what empowered her to take on the work of the IWJP.

September 2024
What We Heard – The Heart’s Experience: Tina Miller

Listen to Tina Miller, a member of the Nisga’a Nation, explain her approach to the IWJP, which is powerfully rooted in her lived experiences and commitment to supporting the efforts of the collective.
