Strategy 15
Track 1 and Track 2

Growing Community Justice Programs

Illustration from Sarah Jim

Ensuring every First Nations community that seeks it can build and expand their community justice programming.

The Challenge

First Nations community-based programming is critical to making progress on both Track 1 and Track 2 of the Strategy. Communities need programs that are prevention and healing based, trauma-informed, and culturally grounded, so that Gladue Principles can be fully upheld, and the presumption of diversion can be reflected at all stages of interaction with the criminal justice system. 

The Solution

Strategy 15 recognizes that community-based justice programs are building blocks for Indigenous justice systems and institutions, providing opportunities for the application of Indigenous laws and practices regarding criminal justice. Under Strategy 15, BCFNJC will focus on the creation of a long-term, sustainable community-based programming fund, as well as the identification and reporting on best practices in community-based justice programming, with the goal that every First Nations community that seeks it can build community justice programming.

Lines of Action

Create a long-term, sustainable, community-based programming fund. BCFNJC and BC will establish a long-term, sustainable fund to be accessed by First Nations to support new justice community-based programming.
Status not-started
Identify and report on best practices in community-based programming
Status not-started
Establish a co-ordinated approach with the First Nations Health Council on community-based programming that addresses healing initiatives.
Status not-started


Jun 2023
The first payment into the Community Justice Fund announced by the Ministry of Attorney General: $10 Million
Sep 2023
The signing of an MOU with the Indigenous Justice Association

Development of relationship between BCFNJC and Indigenous Justice Association members ongoing

Apr 2024
BCFNJC’s investment plan, along two streams, announced at the Justice Forum - information available online May 2024