The Challenge:
Culturally appropriate training for justice professionals that work with Indigenous people has been limited and/or non-existent in the past, contributing to friction and crisis in the system. In addition, due to the historical and ongoing role police have played in colonization, including conducting harmful patterns of biased policing and surveillance, Indigenous people experience distrust, fear, and trauma in their interactions with police. There is a pressing need for all justice and policing agents to be educated on cultural safety, the history and impacts of colonization, and their role in advancing reconciliation and Indigenous well being.
The Solution
While there are various forms of training taking place in different parts of the justice system, a coherent and consistent approach is needed so that core cultural competency practices are reinforced throughout the system. Through Strategy 20, BCFNJC will advance such an approach, establishing clear standards of cultural competency, along with a consistent and systematic training program regarding First Nations people and the justice system.