Local to International Connections Developed

Key Achievements: Collaborative Relationships The Legal Aid Transition Team has made significant progress in strengthening both cross-bundle and external collaborations. We’ve established valuable connections with the Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation (MIRR), the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD), and the First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) through Bundle D which is in […]

Legal Aid Transition Planning Begins

The Legal Aid Transition Team at the BCFNJC has made significant strides in developing an innovative and holistic legal service delivery model tailored to the needs of Indigenous people in BC this summer. Our work is focused on improving access to justice and addressing the overrepresentation of Indigenous children in care. A major milestone was […]

The Role of Elders and Knowledge Keepers in BC’s Justice Reform

Strategy 21 of the BC First Nations Justice Strategy is dedicated to the inclusion and utilization of Indigenous knowledge systems, particularly those held by Elders and Knowledge Keepers, in the transformation of justice services and structures. This strategy emphasizes the necessity of grounding justice initiatives in culturally relevant frameworks that honour Indigenous laws, protocols, and […]

EKKC Steering with Protocol

In miktúʔtn (June) 2024, the Elders and Knowledge Keepers Council (EKKC) and the BC First Nations Justice Council (BCFNJC) gathered on the shores of kɬúsx̌nítkʷ (Okanagan Lake). This meeting symbolized a canoe journey, focused on navigating the path toward justice and equity. The newly appointed EKKC led this journey, with Spokesperson Calvin Swustus Sr. from […]

Development of Foundational Cultural Competency Program for Justice Sector and Policing Partners

BCFNJC is planning, developing, and is working to launch a Foundational Cultural Competency Program. This foundational educational program will include online modules with objectives, learning comprehension exercises, and content that are geared to ensuring justice partners are fully educated on what it means to have culturally safe and appropriate interactions with Indigenous people in the […]

3rd Annual Justice Forum – Minister’s Panel: Honourable Arif Virani, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada

Ministers Panel – BCFNJC’s Tripartite Relationship and Commitment to Collaboration. Through a pre-recorded video message, the Honourable Arif Virani emphasized that collaboration was at the core of reconciliation work, and this included the implementation of the UNDA Action Plan, which is guided by the principles of consultation, cooperation, and co-development. Minister Virani looked forward to […]

BCFNJC Leads Transformation of Gladue Report Services Toward Staff-Centric Model

In the pursuit of maintaining high standards of quality and consistency, our organization is undergoing a significant transition from a roster-based model of Gladue Report writers to a staff-centric approach. This shift, which began with the introduction of Support Worker roles to bolster cultural competence and trauma-informed care, has empowered our team to collaborate closely […]