The Medicine Basket

Welcome to The Medicine Basket Submission Form

The Medicine Basket serves as a conduit for sharing narratives that inform and enrich the Tracking Justice and work being done at the BCFNJC. By embracing storytelling protocols, we aim to create a story of how we reclaimed our Kin from Canada’s colonial systems.

About our Approach

The Medicine Basket approach is an approach created specifically for the use of Tracking Justice, so there is a basis for storytelling ethics that will guide this work in a culturally aware and trauma informed way. Inspired by Indigenous gathering practice teachings, The Medicine Basket embodies the mindful and intentional gathering of narratives, akin to collecting medicines for our communities. 

This approach mirrors the care and respect with which we handle medicinal plants, ensuring sustainability and future provision through homeland teachings. Just as we hold our stories in high regard, the BCFNJC is committed to honouring each storyteller by speaking of their contributions thoughtfully and involving them in the process to ensure clarity and respect. Each story carries the collective wisdom of many, and contributors are the Keepers of this invaluable knowledge we hold as medicine. 

In our approach to storytelling for the Justice Tracker, we prioritize data sovereignty to protect the integrity of these narratives and ensure ongoing access and control for storytellers. By collecting medicine (stories,) we fulfill our duty to future generations, preserving our teachings and empowering them with the knowledge needed to continue the work of reclaiming our Kin and bringing people back from colonial control. 

The Medicine Basket is a collection of stories that honour our past, celebrate current efforts, and benefit future generations. This platform reflects our commitment to equity and community empowerment.

Medicine Basket Guidelines:

  • Confidentiality: Your privacy and confidentiality are respected. Only authorized individuals will handle submitted stories.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: We acknowledge and respect trauma-informed and culturally aware perspectives through storytelling protocols that aim to share your medicine (story) in a good way.
  • Inclusivity: All voices are welcome, and we prioritize amplifying firsthand perspectives.

Please take a moment to fill out the form below mindfully, honouring Indigenous storytelling teachings and protocols.

1. Personal Information

2. Share your Medicine (Story)

Choose the category that best relates to your story, we offer a variety of categories and while there may be some cross over choose which you feel fits best:

3. Your Story

The Medicine Basket is open for you to share your medicine (narrative) with us. We encourage you to express yourself authentically and honouring any protocols and teachings that support in guiding you.

4. Consent and Agreement

By submitting this form, you acknowledge and agree to the following:

2. Preferred Contact Method for Storyteller Call:

3. Best Time for Storyteller Call:

Additional Comments or Questions (Optional)

If you have any additional comments, questions, or specific requests regarding the Storyteller call or your submission, please feel free to share them here.

Need help? Support is Available

To our Kin, if at any point you are feeling overwhelmed during the sharing of your medicine (story) and need support we want you to know help is available at KUU-US Crisis Line Society.

Adults/Elders (250-723-4050), Child/Youth (250-723-2040), Toll free (1-800-588-8717), or the Métis Line (1-833-MétisBC).

*Disclaimer: Please note that while we strive to honour and amplify the medicine (narratives) shared with us through The Medicine Basket, not all stories can be shared publicly due to legal reasons. We are committed to upholding the privacy, confidentiality, and data sovereignty of our Kin and contributors and may need to withhold certain stories if they pose legal risks or obligations. However, even if your story cannot be shared publicly, we will still keep your medicine in a safe place for building important data needed for reclaiming our Kin from Colonial control. Our primary concern is to protect individuals from potential legal implications while sharing their stories. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter as we navigate the complexities of justice and storytelling within legal frameworks. If you have any concerns or questions regarding the sharing of your story, please feel free to reach out to us for further clarification.

Read more about our approach to data sovereignty.