Strategy 13
Track 1

Transparency and Information Sharing Across Corrections

Illustration from Eliot White-Hill, Kwulasultun

Ensuring First Nations can access the information they need to locate where their members are being held in the corrections system and provide effective support.

The Challenge

First Nations must be able to support their members who are within the corrections system. To do this, First Nations must know where they are, when they may be moved, and when a move has occurred. Without such basic information, a significant obstacle exists for First Nations to provide cultural and other supports to their members, as well as to their families within communities. Lack of such information can interfere with the identification of alternatives and the operationalization of the presumption of diversion.

The Solution

As there are currently no established data governance protocols regarding the sharing of this information for those who are incarcerated, BFNJC will work with BC Corrections and First Nations to advance measures that will ensure reliable, accessible, and standardized information sharing between First Nations and BC Corrections. BCFNJC will also work to establish mechanisms to address any concerns regarding the Freedom of Information and Personal Privacy Act and ensure that standards in the UN Declaration, regarding the relationship between communities and their members, are respected.

Of critical importance with respect to Strategy 13 is the ability of First Nations to acquire information about their members from BC Corrections and build effective transition, reunification, and reintegration programs to support the decrease in recidivism and encourage restorative justice practices and outcomes.

Lines of Action

Review and, if required, update the existing MOUs that First Nations and Corrections have in place, which can be used as templates to confirm and standardize the process for sharing of Information.
Status in-progress
Review and identify potential legislative and policy changes to ensure that First Nations have access to information on their members who are incarcerated.
Status not-started
More info 00BC Corrections and Federal Corrections to provide update on progress at 2024 Justice Forum


BCFNJC begins holding regular meetings with corrections leadership.
Nov 2023
Appointed Boyd Peters as Director of Bundle G, “Diversion and Community Based Justice Programming,” within BCFNJC.
Apr 2024
First regular meeting of the steering committee with external members.
Apr 2024
At the 2024 Justice Forum BC Corrections and Federal Corrections will provide updates on progress.