Strategy 3
Track 1 and Track 2

Strengthening Indigenous Capacity and Legal Services

Illustration from Sarah Jim

Ensuring the mechanisms and structures are in place to strengthen, improve, and expand legal services and justice capacity for Indigenous people.

The Challenge

Many Indigenous communities do not have the justice capacity to address critical justice issues, including the growing overrepresentation of Indigenous youth in the care of government, as well as Indigenous women and men in state custody. Many Indigenous people also lack  access to culturally appropriate responsive legal services.

The Solution

BC First Nations have provided a clear mandate to BCFNJC to productively engage with the government to advance effective strategies that can achieve better outcomes for Indigenous people in the justice system, including strategies that strengthen Indigenous justice capacity and legal services. Strategy 3 ensures that BCFNJC can fulfill its roles and responsibilities in improving Indigenous justice capacity and legal services, with the proper structures in place that support the ongoing direction and guidance of Indigenous people, as well as sustained, long-term support from the government.

Lines of Action

BC and BCFNJC to confirm sustained long-term support for the work of the BCFNJC in implementing this Strategy
Status stalled
BCFNJC to develop and present to First Nations a plan for the long-term roles and responsibilities of the FNJC in implementing this Strategy, and how those confirm mechanisms for the on-going direction and guidance of First Nations and proper BCFNJC accountabilities to First Nations
Status in-progress
BCFNJC to work with BC to develop an action plan for the implementation of the objectives of UNDRIP where it intersects with justice
Status not-started
More info 00We are seeking funding for this.
BCFNJC to proactively identify and work with partner organizations to advance the implementation of this Strategy, including but not limited to the Indigenous Bar Association, Law Foundation, BC law schools, and the Law Society of BC
Status in-progress
More info 00Multiple B.C. law schools, including TRU Law, Allard Law (UBC), and UVIC Law, have been actively engaged in promoting Indigenous justice and legal education through various initiatives such as signing MOUs for experiential learning, hosting speaker series events, organizing student tours of Indigenous Justice Centres, and benefiting from strong partnerships with organizations like the BC First Nations Justice Council and the Law Foundation, highlighting a collaborative commitment to legal advancement and support.


Sep 23, 2023
Amanda Carling, CEO at the BCFNJC speaks at the TRU Law Chapter of Pro Bono Students Canada (PBSC) Launch event.
Oct 23, 2023
TRU Law and BCFNJC sign an MOU

This MOU was signed to promote partnership and cooperation related to the development and implementation of experiential learning opportunities for law students.. Several TRU Alumni, specifically staff lawyers and members on the Policy Counsel work with BCFNJC.

Oct 2023
Kory Wilson (Puglid), Chair of the BC First Nations Justice Council presents keynote speech at Indigenous Bar Association in Rama.

BCFNJC has engaged in collaborative conversations with the Indigenous Bar Association Leadership on our submissions on the National Indigenous Justice Strategy.

Nov 7, 2023
Amanda Carling, CEO at the BCFNJC speaks at UBC Law for the Indigenous Law Speaker Series on Alternative Careers.

Earlier in the semester, Kory Wilson, Chair of BCFNJC also spoke on a panel at UBC Law.

Mar 8, 2024
BCFNJC team attended the Kawaskimhon Moot.
Fall 2023
Andrea Hilland, KC appointed to BCFNJC Board of Directors

The First Nations Leadership Council has appointed Andrea Hilland, KC to serve as a member of the BCFNJC Board of Directors for a three-year term. Andrea is a member of the Nuxalk Nation, an Assistant Professor at the Peter A. Allard School of Law, and an empowering advocate within the Indigenous justice landscape.

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Mar 28, 2024

The Vancouver IJC staff hosted students from UBC Law in the Indigenous Justice Centre at 510 Beatty – answering questions and touring the space with the students.